Regional Trading Blocs - Types, Advantages, Disadvantages

A trade bloc is an international agreement, frequently part of a regional intergovernmental organisation, in which regional trade obstacles (tariffs and non-tariff barriers) are decreased or removed among participating states. A regional trading bloc is a collection of countries within a geographical region that band together to protect themselves from non-member goods. A trade bloc is a free-trade zone (or near-free-trade zone) created by one or more tax, tariff, and trade agreements between two or more countries. Trading blocs are a type of economic integration that is progressively shaping the global trade pattern.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: Regional Trade Blocs
  2. Types of Regional Trading Blocs
  3. Advantages of Regional Trading Blocs
  4. Disadvantages of Regional Trading Blocs

Regional trade blocs foster intra-block commerce and protect their members from global competition. Tariffs on commodities produced by member states, import quotas, government subsidies, onerous bureaucratic import processes, and technological and other non-tariff obstacles are all used to protect against global competition. Member states within regional blocks cooperate on economic, political, security, climatic, and other concerns impacting the region because trading is not an isolated activity. Successful trade bloc members usually share four characteristics: similar per capita GNP levels, geographic closeness, similar or compatible trading regimes, and political commitment to the regional organisation. Advocates of global free trade are usually hostile to trading blocs, arguing that they promote regional commerce rather than global free trade.

Types of Regional Trading Blocs

Trade blocs can be standalone accords between many states (like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)) or part of a regional organisation (like the European Union) (such as the European Union). Preferential trading areas, free trade areas, customs unions, common markets, economic and monetary unions, and political unions are the six types of trade blocs that can be classified based on their level of economic integration.

Advantages of Regional Trading Blocs

Disadvantages of Regional Trading Blocs

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Dheeraj Budhori

Dheeraj Budhori, an Internet Researcher & SEO, started his Optimizer journey in 2019. His top executive is his passion for search engine analysis & interest in understanding User psychology

Published 2021-12-02

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