A one-stop-shop for nutrition support for the ACT community

On Thursday 12 March 2015, Nutrition Australia ACT will be launching the ACT Nutrition Support Service (ACTNSS), which aims to support healthy eating environments across the ACT.

Funded by the ACT Government’s Healthy Canberra Grants, and aligning with the ACT Government’s Healthy Weight Initiative, ACTNSS will provide free healthy eating advice and support to a range of community organisations across the ACT including; non-government organisations workplaces, schools, childcare, disability services and senior support services.

Nutrition Australia ACT Dietitian and Executive Officer Lynette Brown said the service was an exciting and important step towards improving the health outcomes of the ACT population.

“The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the ACT community is unfortunately increasing. A quarter of adults in the ACT are considered obese, with a further 38 per cent overweight. This combines with a quarter of Canberra children overweight or obese, 1 ” she said.

“There are a lot of mixed messages surrounding nutrition in the media. This makes it a challenge to find non-hyped and credible information on what’s best to eat.”

“That’s why we’re so excited about the ACT Nutrition Support Service. ACTNSS provides credible and evidence-based nutrition information and advice to the Canberra community.”

When fully operational the service will provide online and telephone expert nutrition advice, healthy recipes and food ideas to the general public. Extra support available to organisations will include training for staff, policy development advice, and access to a comprehensive range of nutrition education tools.

The ACTNSS website offers opportunities for individuals and organisations to access a range of nutrition related resources, and will serve as a one-stop-shop of nutrition information for the ACT community.

Access ACTNSS by calling 02 6162 2583 or visiting the website at www.actnss.org .
Photo opportunities will be available during the launch from 1.30 – 2.00pm at the Chifley Health Hub.

For more information or to arrange an interview please contact Nutrition Australia ACT on 02 6162 2583.

1 National Health Performance Authority 2013, Healthy Communities: Overweight and obesity rates across Australia, 2011–12