Real Estate Downpayment Receipt Template

A Real Estate Downpayment Receipt Template is given to a buyer after a successful escrow payment is made in regard to a purchase agreement. This will aid in solidifying the Home Buyer’s downpayment has been successfully received. Since many real estate sales agreements will call for a successful downpayment, a receipt for the received funds will indicate that both parties are ready to proceed to the next phase in their agreement. Furthermore, such documentation will aid in avoiding any possible accounting errors either Party may experience because it will name the amounts received and the amount due. Make sure to identify both Parties to their roles in this receipt and satisfy the requests for information made so this record may be completed properly.

How To Write In PDF And Word

Step 1 – Save The Real Estate Downpayment Receipt

Save the receipt template as a “PDF” or “Word” file with the buttons carrying these labels. The text links in this section will also give access to these files. Choose the version you wish to work with then download it for use.

Step 2 – Introduce The Property Owner Or Agent Issuing Proof Of Downpayment

The Company that has received the downpayment and issuing this receipt should be documented with its legal identity and contact information. Furnish this information on a line-by-line basis. The textbox with “Company Name” requires the legal name of the Financial Institution receiving the confirmed downpayment. The “Name” of the Agent providing downpayment confirmation should also be included in this receipt’s introduction. Continue with the Financial Institution’s formal business address by reporting as three different components. The “Street Address” line should be furnished with the Financial Entity’s building number, street, and suite number (or PO Box Number) in its mailing address leaving the line below it for the “City, State,” and “Country” The “Zip Code” line that follows must be populated with the above address’ postal code. The full “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address where the Financial Entity above can be reached should be documented on the last two lines.

Step 3 – Enable The Proper Filing Information For This Paperwork

The document identification number that will be known as its filing or receipt number must be dispensed to the Home Buyer by entering it on the “Receipt #” line. Similarly, continue with this receipt’s identification process by solidifying the downpayment’s receipt “Date.”

Step 4 – Identify The Home Buyer Who Has Submitted The Downpayment

The full “Name” of the Home Buyer receiving the downpayment credit with the Financial Institution should be produced on the blank line presented underneath the “Customer/Client Information” heading. The full mailing address of the Home Buyer is the next item of discussion. This requires an entry of the Home Buyer’s building, street, and unit number (or PO Box number) on the “Street Address” while the second address line should be reported on the “City, State, Country” line. Naturally, the Home Buyer’s “Zip Code” should be supplied on the next line down to complete this address. Populate the “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address lines at the end of the “Customer/Client Information” with the Home Buyer’s contact information.

Step 5 – Apply The Downpayment To The Appropriate Sales Agreement

The next section in this receipt will allow a freeform entry reporting the sales agreement this downpayment will satisfy. Produce the title of this agreement along with its execution date.

Step 6 – List The Dollar Amount Of The Received Downpayment

The downpayment “Amount” that was submitted should be produced in the second column of the receipt table being completed.

Step 7 – Deliver A Confirmation Statement Summarizing The Downpayment

The downpayment that was received should be confirmed by statement underneath the receipt table. Thus, find the first blank line after the words “This Receipt Is For The Deposit Of” and produce the dollar amount making up the received downpayment as its content. The next statement will support the first and requires the Name of the Home Buyer on the blank line after the phrase “The Amount Was Paid By” Finally, conclude this area with the calendar date when the downpayment was received. Enter this date on the line attached to “…The Customer, On”

Step 8 – Discuss The Downpayment Method Used

The way or method the Home Buyer provided the downpayment should be solidified by marking the applicable checkbox(es) displayed below the phrase “Deposit Method.” If the downpayment was produced with a “Credit Card,” then mark the “Credit Card No.” checkbox and furnish the credit card number on the blank line provided in this selection The “Check No.” selection will require the check number used for the downpayment once you after marking the appropriate checkbox If a “Cash” check box should be used to indicate the Home Buyer’s downpayment consisted of cash, The final option to define the downpayment can be made using the “Other” box. Mark this selection then discuss the downpayment method used by the Home Buyer

Step 9 – Finalize The Receipt With An Account Of The Remaining Balance

The sentence closing this receipt will support documentation of the downpayment received with a record of the dollar amount still owed for the house or property. Produce this dollar amount as a numeral on the line attached to the dollar sign in the “The Remaining Balance…” statement. The final calendar date the Home Buyer may submit the remaining balance for the house or property while remaining in compliance with the applicable sales agreement should be reported on the line following the language “…And Due By.”

Step 10 – The Home Buyer Must Sign This Receipt In Acknowledgment

The Home Buyer must sign the “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line to confirm the payment method and acknowledge the remaining balance.

How To Write In Excel

Step 1 – Save The Real Estate Downpayment Receipt As An Excel Document

The “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” text link connecting to the Real Estate Downpayment Receipt can be used for a direct download of this file. You may also use the “Excel” button under the receipt preview.

Step 2 – Name The Financial Institution Producing This Receipt

When it is time to confirm a received downpayment for real property, open the obtained receipt. Dispense the logo of the Real Estate or Financial Entity issuing this receipt to cell A1 then its legal “Company Name” to cell A2. Cell A3 continues this topic with a request for the “Name” of the Real Estate Agent or Financial Officer able to solidify the submission of the downpayment. The mailing address of the Receipt Entity is the next requirement and is expected as a report using cell A4 (“Street Address”), cell A5 (“City, State, Country”), and cell A6 (“Zip Code”). Lastly, the fields displaying “E-Mail” (cell A7) and “Phone” (cell A8) enable a presentation of the Receipt Issuer’s immediate contact information.

Step 3 – Dispense The Filing Information For The Received Downpayment

It will be important to Purchaser of the concerned property that a solid record of the downpayment is provided. This will take the form of a specific reference number that you must supply in cell F3 as this downpayment’s “Receipt #.” The month, two-digit calendar day, as well as the two or four-digit year when this receipt formally documents the downpayment as received should be furnished in cell H3 (“Date”).

Step 4 – Name The Potential Property Owner Submitting The Downpayment

The “Name” field in cell A11 refers to that of the Home Buyer supplying the downpayment causing this receipt’s generation. Present this Party’s first, middle, and last name as it appears in the sales agreement allowing for the home purchase in this field. The “Customer/Client Information” portion of this column continues to request input in the next three cells where the Home Buyer’s official “Street Address” (Cell A12), “City, State, Country” (required in cell A13), and “Zip Code” (cell A14) must be displayed. The “E-mail” address where the Home Buyer expects any electronic correspondence regarding this downpayment should be entered in cell A15.Cell A16 will conclude this section with a field to present the Home Buyer’s formal or business “Phone” number.

Step 5 – Attach This Receipt To The Home Purchasing Paperwork

The real estate downpayment that has been submitted will generally act as a required item for a purchase agreement to proceed. Thus, a reliable report on this sales agreement should be provided along with its supporting information such as its execution date or the Client’s (Home Buyer) account number with the Receipt Issuer

Step 6 – Name The Received Real Estate Downpayment

The received downpayment “Amount” is the next item that must be documented. Enter this dollar “Amount” in cell H19. This number must match the “Amount” of money the Home Buyer submitted for the generation of this receipt to occur.

Step 7 – Discuss The Reported Downpayment

This receipt continues to cell A20 where two statements will be made in support of the material recorded in the table above. The phrase “This Receipt Is For The Deposit Of $” will lead to a bracketed dollar sign (“[$]”) that you must replace with the downpayment amount submitted by the Real Property or Home Buyer. The second sentence in cell A20 contains two bracketed labels reserving a space first for the entry of the Property Buyer’s “Name” then for the “Date” when the downpayment was successfully accepted.

Step 8 – Produce A Report On the Downpayment Method

The Home Property Buyer that has produced the downpayment will have used at least one “Payment Method” of the choices presented beginning in cell A23. The checkboxes will enable a quick reporting process on how this payment was received. If it was a credit card downpayment then select the checkbox in cell A23 and transcribe the “Credit Card No.” to the space provided. If a check was used by the Home Buyer for the downpayment then mark cell A24 and furnish the “Check No” where requested. At times, a “Cash” downpayment may have been required. If this is how it was received, then mark the “Cash” checkbox in cell F23. The “Other” option in cell F24 allows and requires a record of how the downpayment was provided by the Real Property Buyer if the previous three are inadequate descriptions. If this is the case, mark the checkbox in this field, then deliver the requested payment description in the space provided.

Step 9 – Solidify The Property’s Remaining Balance

The closing statement displayed in cell A26 only requires two items of report. First, locate the dollar sign following the phrase “The Remaining Balance Owing Is…” then replace the bracketed area with the dollar amount that must yet be paid by the Home Purchaser if he or she is to buy the property. Once the first part of this statement is furnished with the remaining balance, document the due “Date” of the home purchase by typing it in the space currently occupied by the brackets after the term “…And Due By.”

Step 10 – The Potential Homeowner Must Sign This Receipt

The final field requiring attention is cell A27 and may only be satisfied by the Customer or Home Purchaser’s signature of acknowledgment and authorization for the above payment.