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KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Best Practices for Responding to Federal ICE Raids

The Trump administration ramped up its attack on immigrants this summer, announcing plans to fast-track deportations with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and arrests, including in New York City. Last month, for the first time since Trump’s election, ICE tried to raid a homeless shelter. On the evening of August 6th, ICE attempted to enter Win’s East New York shelter with just a photo of the person they wanted to detain. Thankfully, Win’s security guards knew their rights. When the ICE agent failed to produce a judge-signed warrant, they were denied entry.

Let’s make sure our entire community knows our rights and protects our undocumented and immigrant clients, tenants, and neighbors. Security, providers, clients, and tenants can be prepared for ICE showing up to their shelter or residences, and to support anyone who may be living in fear of deportation.

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